Invited to chair the session: “Are there country-specific elements of misconduct?”; 4th World Conference on Research Integrity, 2015/05/31-2015/06/03, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
Godecharle, Simon, Nemery, Ben, Dierickx, Kris. Research integrity management: Empirical investigation of academia versus industry. 4th World Conference on Research Integrity, 2015/05/31 – 2015/06/03, Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
Godecharle, Simon, Nemery, Ben, Dierickx, Kris. Research Integrity: No Harmony in Europe. 3rd World Conference on Research Integrity, 2013/05/05 – 2013/05/08, Montreal (Canada).
Godecharle, Simon. Research integrity and misconduct from a European perspective: guidance and possible actions; Research fraud & integrity: what can and should be done? , 2014/05/26, Leuven (University of Leuven).
Godecharle, Simon. Elaborating a policy concerning ethics: role of caregivers, Present and Future Challenges and Opportunities for Ethics in Nursing and Care, 2017/09/15 – 2017/09/16, Leuven (University of Leuven).
Godecharle, Simon, Emery, Ben, Dierickx, Kris. Research Guidance in Europa, Kennismakers (Research Foundation – Flanders), 2013/12/17, Ghent (Belgium).